I remember being in the 5th grade and hearing that they were going to change the school lunches. It was an outrage, appalling, it couldn't be true. Being one of the very few schools that had adequate tasting school lunches that never included mystery meat or any odd stew the lunch ladies happened to whip up, instead we were a school with vast choices of french fries, Bosco sticks, and hamburgers. In other words, as much grease as are poor little 5th grade arteries could take. But this is also one of the reasons that they believe 27% of all Americans ages 17-24 are too fat to be in the army according to a report released by the government.
So what does this have to do with school lunches? Well seeing as you do spend roughly 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, for about 12 years in school, consuming atleast one if not two lunches a day, plus any numerous amounts of snacks that are available for purchase, this is a problem. If the only food available to the kids is high calorie and fattening, well thats what theyre going to eat. So if schools begin to incorporate healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, and instead of conventional chips, the healthier version called baked chips, this problem could dissolve itself. But if not we could be facing a serious problem of even higher rates of child hood obesity.
The military used to face the problem of having to turn people way because of malnutrition in the late 1940s, but not more then 70 years later, they're having the opposite problem. What kind of impact will this have on our militaries? No one really knows, and I'm not sure we want to find out either.
For further reading: